
Join Our Team

We are on a mission to help 20 businesses in 2022 to benefit from a great social media strategy.

Customer Obsessed

Do you obsess over the success of your customers and always think of ways to help them win?

Learning Focused

Are you always learning and looking for ways to improve yourself and the work you do?

Self Motivated

Are you able to work in a team but also independent enough to keep yourself motivated and focused on your goals?

When you join the Simple Traction team you make a difference in people’s lives

The work our customers do is critical to our everyday lives. From the roads we drive on, the stores we shop in, the places we work, and the houses we live in, none of it would exist without our customers. We believe a great social media strategy helps them grow their business and attract employees.

Our program helps businesses in three critical areas:

  • Image – We help them develop an online image that reflects who they are.
  • Awareness – We grow awareness around their services and why they are a great company.
  • Culture – We help them define their culture and why it makes them unique and attractive.

Simple Traction exists because we work with great businesses that are doing good work. When we help these businesses we are helping to improve our communities and our world.

We’re looking to grow our team with people who believe in that mission and want to be a part of it.

These are our shared habits:

1. We plan for tomorrow today.

We are on a mission and if we are going to accomplish our mission we need to control our time. If we don’t decide what is important in advance our day will decide for us.

2. We communicate with every current and past customer every week.

Communication is key to our success and the success of our clients. Our weekly practice of communicating with our clients prevents details from slipping through the cracks and makes us a valuable partner.

3. We constantly spread the word that great businesses should be able to attract and retain great people.

We have a purpose and a mission and want to share it with great businesses in the construction industry.

Great businesses deserve to be seen and heard

Unfortunately, most businesses don’t know how to talk about themselves. They suffer from an image that doesn’t really reflect who they are, a lack of awareness around their products and services, and an undefined culture that is hard to communicate. With the right social media strategy, we can overcome all of that. Social media can be a superpower when tapped into in the right way. Our mission is to help 20 businesses in 2022 to tap into the power of social media in their business.